Treeline is meeting at Washtenaw Community College this week (4/28)

Our Name

Treeline Church Ann Arbor Community Women


We love Ann Arbor. We love its festivals, its markets, its students, its trees. We also think that it is often hard to connect with God in a city like ours.

On a mountain, the treeline is the place where the forest gives way to a clear view of reality.

We hope this community can be a place like that for you. A place where the distractions and noise of life give way to a clear picture of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

of Jesus

No matter who you are or who you meet, everyone shares the same invitation from Jesus: “Follow Me.”

His invitation isn’t to a set of rules or a certain belief system; it is an invitation into a life-changing relationship that anyone can get in on.

Everything we do at Treeline is about helping people grow further into this calling on their lives.

Our network

Treeline is a local church for our city and our campuses, however, since Jesus' vision extends beyond the borders of our city, so does ours.

From the beginning of Treeline, we have had a vision to help start more churches. There are over 400 major universities cities in North America. We are part of a family of churches with a shared vision to start new churches and college ministries at single every one.

The Salt Network Church Plant Map

Our Prayer

Luke 10:02

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest”