Treeline is meeting at Washtenaw Community College this week (4/28)

Our Name


We love Ann Arbor. We love its festivals, its markets, its students, its trees. We also think that it is often hard to connect with God in a city like ours.

On a mountain, the treeline is the place where the forest gives way to a clear view of reality.

We hope this community can be a place like that for you. A place where the distractions and noise of life give way to a clear picture of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

of Jesus

No matter who you are or who you meet, everyone shares the same invitation from Jesus: “Follow Me.”

His invitation isn’t to a set of rules or a certain belief system; it is an invitation into a life-changing relationship that anyone can get in on.

Everything we do at Treeline is about helping people grow further into this calling on their lives.

Our network

Treeline is a local church for our city and our campuses, however, since Jesus' vision extends beyond the borders of our city, so does ours.

From the beginning of Treeline, we have had a vision to help start more churches. There are over 400 major universities cities in North America. We are part of a family of churches with a shared vision to start new churches and college ministries at single every one.

The Salt Network Church Plant Map

Our Prayer

Luke 10:02

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest”